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Interpets , one of the largest pet fairs in Japan


Information for visitors

Here, you will find all the important information you need for visiting Interpets.

Dates , Opening hours , Venue
Dates 4  – 7 April 2024
*open to the public on 5 – 7 April
Opening hours 10:00 – 17:00
Venue East hall, Tokyo Big Sight

Pets are most welcome to Interpets with respects of Interpets rules.

Interpets prohibits accomapying pets as follows.. 

  • Specific animals defined by the Ministry of the Environment.
  • Pigs/ Boars
  • Dogs not receiving rabies vaccination.
  • Birds
  • Wild aniaml

Other rules are...

  • Please leash your pets, as short as possible.
  • Please do not leave your pet unattended.
  • There is no pet keeping service.
  • There is pet toilet in the hall (mainly for dogs and cats). Please take responsibility for removal of pet manure.
  • Bringing water for pets is recommended.
  • Aggressive / dangerous animals are not permitted to enter.
  • The organiser will not take any responsibility for any troubles related to the visiting pets.